Do you want to get better results that last longer*? Are you carrying around old acne scars? Time to get rid of the past and start new with Bellafill!
Makeup just won’t cover some acne scars. Acne can leave pits in the skin and dimples along cheeks and jawline that can be hard to live with. If you’re sick of trying to cover your deep acne scars with makeup, Bellafill dermal filler may be a good solution for you.
For people with severe pitting either from acne or from exaggerated nasolabial creases, Bellafill can offer immediate satisfaction lasting for years*.
What is Bellafill?
Bellafill is a collagen-based smooth dermal filler with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. This gel forms to your skin and creates fullness in dimpling caused by acne and pock scars as well as severe nasolabial creases. Once it’s injected, the microspheres of PMMA remain in place and create a base layer under the pits and creases in your skin. This makes a smooth, full, clean look.
How does it work?
Made specifically for dealing with severe nasolabial creases and pitted (distensible) acne scars, Bellafill fades these scars and marks by filling in the volume under the skin and rebuilding the structure beneath.
How long does it take to see results?
Bellafill works instantly and patients get to see results the same day.
How long does it last?
Bellafill is the only FDA approved long-term dermal filler which will treat distensible (pitted) acne scars. Over 90% of patients who used Bellafill for their acne scarring were satisfied with their results for up to one year*. For use with large nasolabial folds, results can last up to five years*.
Bellafill has been proven safe in extensive testing for up to 5 years of efficacy for treating deep creases and dimpled scars. Please remember to only accept dermal filler treatments from a board certified provider.
Ready for a new look? Contact Abington Aesthetic & Laser Medical Center today to schedule your consultation!